Well some of the first users are some of Hollywoods biggest stars. This little tool may help them from drunken car rides and a lot of fines and off the tabloids. Not only will this little gadget keep you nice and safe but it can be used as a radio tuner. I am for sure getting my hands on this new member of the ifamily.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Am I Drunk?
The new addition to the ifamily is the ibreath. Yes ibreath is an alcohol breathalyzer. It is the new must have for apple products, the ibreath allows you to take your alcohol level whenever you feel it necessary. So who would buy this thing you may ask?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Digital media as a Weapon
For months I have been bombarded with examples of new media and activism. It hasn't hit me until recently that I should write a blog about it and its vast social power. As I am sure most know, there has been many protests within the streets of Toronto over the past couple weeks about the Tamil Tigers and the situation in Sri Lanka. I have seen many of the protests on TV and I have been very impressed at how well planned and executed these marches are compared to past protests in the city. I believe this is dew to the work of digital media and its ability to reach the masses and create change. All of these rallies have been properly planned within the realm of citizen and digital media.
There is now much more to protests then just a large group of people, there is planning and the use of digital media to bring people together makes sure they are all on the same page. With out this new use of digital media many of the protests we see would not have been so successful. This new sense of digital media allows citizens on the ground level to report what actually is going on. This allows society to hear an alternative to what is shown by the mass media. Citizen and digital media have giving power back to the people and the question now is how will we use this power?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Toronto a dangerous city?
I have just recently come by an interesting site that allows normal citizens to view information about Toronto that most would deem somewhat secretive in nature. The article is called "The life of death in great Canadian cities" and is from the spacing toronto website (http://spacing.ca/wire/page/2/).
This magazine and website (Spacing) really focuses on important issues facing communities within major Canadian cities. Many of its articles do focus on Toronto and allow the reader to explore new areas of the city that they never new existed. This particular article looks at death and location in the city and how they overlap and provides some interesting tools in the process. The Toronto stars homicide map shows all homicide incidents from 2005-2009 by colour coordinated bubbles. It is the same as a google map and allows the reader to zoom into the exact street where these crimes were committed and there is even a brief synopsis of the incident. This gives the reader an inside look and what really goes on within the streets of Toronto. I believe Toronto is a very safe city but there are a few areas you may want to avoid and this map help in that respect. Next the article mentions the "list of active incidents" in the city of Toronto. This resource is provided by the fire department and displays every incident that is going on in the city. It provides street names, descriptions and even the number of dispatches. This can give you a heads up on any bad situations occurring in the city. These resources allow a normal citizen to know what is happening in their community and perhaps allows them to become that much safer and knowledgeable. People are now allowed to see the inner workings of Toronto and the police. I found the resources provided by the articles to be very interesting and even useful and I hope others agree with me.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Hackbloc is a very interesting blog, one that is targeted towards the followers or new comers hacktivism. The blog seeks to empower society through the means of technology. Information is seen to be open and free and that is what this particular website fights for. I really enjoyed the mission statement on the front page of the website. It is shows their true commitment to liberating the masses and providing alternative forms of media. Hackbloc is full of great articles and ideas, many of them relating to the larger picture of Citizen Media. I look forward to discussing some of the articles used in the website on my personal blog.
I have noticed that the posts on the website discuss a wide variety of ideas and news headlines. This is great to see as it shows to me that the website is open to a wide range readers. With so many different stories and concepts it allows many people to become interested and perhaps even involved in hacktivism. Not only that, but it gives society a great resource for finding alternative sources for news. It seems like all news coverage these days are bias in someway, but hackbloc does a good job in remaining unbiased in the articles they present. This is important because it doesn't influence the reader, all the article does is present the information in a strictly journalistic format. With this in mind, it is much easier for the reader to form an opinion that is their own and not that of the powerful news media elites.
Hackbloc also allows readers to post their own stories they deem important to the world of hacktivism. The site is very interactive and is great for the world of citizen media. This is a great site to gather alternative forms of information and ideas but it should not be the only place where you get you information. It is important to explore and find different ideas and opinions on certain subjects that are facing society. This way we can become much more knowledgeable about world affairs and see how the world truly is.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
fame and riches of a hacker
My initial idea of a hacker was someone who was a computer nerd and had way too much time on their hands. I saw them as people who had the ability to break into secure systems and make a mess of them. The movie "swordfish" is about a hacker and his ability to break into the most secure systems in the world and steal money. After watching this movie I saw hackers in a different light. Some hackers have the ability to do a lot of damage if they choose to do so. They can become a powerful hidden identity. I think it would be amazing to have the ability of a great hacker. Can you imagine if you were considered one of the best hackers in the world? You would posses the necessary tools the live a crazy life. Personally, I would the love the "dream world" hacker where I can do anything I wished and in the process become rich. This is obviously not the case but it would be very interesting to switch places with a world class hacker for the day.
After my "dream world" hacker theory, came this new idea "hackitivism", which has started to create some buzz in society. This idea is not about fame and riches but about the idea of free flowing information. "Hackitivism" fights for the people to make sure that information is available to everyone in society not just the elites. These new hackers promote open politics, free speech and human rights. This newly created hacker is a perfect example of people fighting for the concept of citizen media. "Hackitivism" has somewhat taken the place of actual protests on the ground level. Is this idea of "hackitivism" more affective then mass protests on the ground? Personally I am not to sure. I don't think that protests really have the effect they once did and people may start turning to new places to "stick it to the man" and "hackitivism" could be that place.
Education as a Prison
While reading last weeks articles I became very interested in the idea that education is seen to be some kind of prison for the mind. I had heard of this concept before but never really payed much attention until this particular article by Mckenzie Wark titled "A Hacker Manifesto". He discusses the idea that education is slavery for the mind. He believes it is how the ruling and powerful class instills their ideologies and class power. This is why education is seen to be so important to the ruling class, because it teaches society the "proper" way to act and think. It is a group of powerful people who decide what education will be taught and inevitably what knowledge we will learn and live by.
Wark goes on to discuss his believes that education is not knowledge but it is the organization of knowledge by elites. This is where I start to disagree with Wark, education for me is knowledge. Perhaps, when you are much younger in elementary school I can see the idea of education being a prison but I completely disagree when compared to university. In elementary school everyone takes the same classes and are thought basically the same things. This could be related to Wark's idea of education as slavery, but in university and college the vast majority of people are taking different subjects and are learning different ideas. For me this does not represent a form of slavery of prison for a university student. There are many different types of classes we can study and it is our own personal choice which one we decided to focus on.
How does a person know what they what to study and learn about if they don't take part in some kind of education. I think education is goes hand-in-hand with knowledge and discovering what you are really interested in. I could not imagine what I would be doing with my life if not for education and the knowledge it has given me.
I would love to hear what the rest of class has to say about the education as a prison.
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